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  3. [競賽]InnoVEX 2022 Pitch Contest 新創競賽

[競賽]InnoVEX 2022 Pitch Contest 新創競賽

InnoVEX 2022新創競賽回來啦!
獎金與獎勵由 #林口新創園、 #高通 、 #台杉投資 及 #安候建業 等共同贊助,總獎金新臺幣800萬元!等你來挑戰!

即刻報名: https://reurl.cc/Lm13Ex

InnoVEX 2022 Pitch Contest Apply NOW!
Did you remember the awarded moment? InnoVEX 2022 Pitch Contest comes back!
This year, the contest will be held online and offline simultaneously. Not only providing the opportunities to establishing the relationship between startups and committee, but appealing the exposure from the media.
Total Prizes and Rewards reach to $347,000USD! 
Sponsored by Startup Terrace, Qualcomm, Taiwania Capital, and KPMG! 
Apply till 2, May, 2022. Taking the first step displays your creativity to become a successful startup!
Waiting for you! 
Apply now: https://reurl.cc/Lm13Ex